Behind the Books

It started with an angel. 

In January 2019, my husband and I found out we were expecting our 2nd child.  Our oldest son, Braxton, was so excited about “his baby,” and would carry the ultrasound picture we kept on the fridge around the house.  He didn’t fully understand what was happening in his little world, but he knew he was happy about it.  

I was about 10 weeks along when we found out there was no longer a heartbeat.  I will never forget the appointment and the feeling of my heart sinking into my stomach with a pain so deep I felt like I couldn’t breathe.  We were devastated.  We had shared the news with several people and the thought of having to tell them that we lost the baby was overwhelming, but I knew I needed the support.  When the time came to tell Braxton, I wasn’t even sure what to say.  How do you explain something like this to a child?  How do you tell them in a way that isn’t scary or too detailed, but honor the little life that is no longer with us?  I remember thinking, “I wish there was a book.”  

This thought stayed with me.  Writing a children’s book was something I had thought about in the past and had even started a note on my phone with some book ideas.  It wasn’t until about a month and a half after the miscarriage when I was on a trip for a friend’s surprise birthday party that the idea really blossomed.  My friend Courtney and I were driving from Oklahoma City to Austin, about an 8-hour drive, and on the way home, we started talking about our dreams.  I told her that I had been thinking about writing a children’s book about miscarriage for siblings called “You Are Remembered” which explains what remembering someone who is no longer with us means.  This led to a discussion about how so many times we say things important words to our children and we don’t take the time to help them fully understand the meaning behind them.  

Thus, the “You Are…” series was born.  It has evolved into a much deeper idea than simply just defining a word.  It is about sharing emotions and feelings, connecting them to education, and giving parents a tool to help them explain when they don’t have words of their own.  It highlights the three C’s that drive the mission behind the books, Connection, Comprehension, and Communication.  When we communicate with our children and help them to comprehend, we are building a powerful connection and instilling reassurance of the unconditional love we feel for them. 

I pray that these books be read over and over again to those you love and care about, and speak life into them.  I pray they hear the words and start to understand how important and meaningful they are.  I pray that they grow up repeating the words in their mind.  I pray they go out into the world because they heard this truth and spread the light and positivity.  I pray they know and believe that they are loved, important, enough, and so much more. 


How I Got Here